About the programme
ERASMUS is one of the four strands of the Life-long Learning Programme (LLP) a large European programme dedicated to the fields of Education and Professional Training which aims at contributing, to the advancement of the European knowledge society, through life-long learning, sustainable development, more and better jobs and better social cohesion.
The ERASMUS programme is dedicated to student mobility among European Universities for the purpose of education. It encourages student and staff mobility for work and study, and promotes trans-national co-operation projects among universities across Europe. It gives many European university students their first chance to live and thrive abroad. Currently around 90% of European universities take part in Erasmus and 2 million students have participated since it started in 1987. The annual budget is in excess of €440 million, more than 4,000 higher education institutions in 33 countries participate and more are waiting to join.
Erasmus became part of the LLP in 2007 and expanded to cover new areas. At present, ERASMUS funds the following activities:
- Student (undergraduate, postgraduate, doctorate) mobility for the purpose of pursuing studies abroad.
- Student mobility for the purpose of practical training at a Higher Educational Institution, private enterprise or other type of institution/organization based in participating countries.
- University staff mobility for professional training
- University staff or enterprise staff mobility for teaching abroad
The IHU has held the Extended Erasmus University Charter (EUCX) since 2009, which means that it is authorized to participate in any of the above activities.
Erasmus ID number International Hellenic University: GTHESSAL-14
EUCX number International Hellenic University: 251700-IC-1-2009-1-GR-ERASMUS-EUCX-1